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Ceremony Patenting Italian Navy's Helmet Divers -Com.Sub.In.- and Watch MMT500/O.P.V. Sp. Ed. -Palombari-

Fri. 11th Dec. 2009, care of the Italian Navy’s Commandos’ HQ (Comando) “Com.Sub.In. - T. Tesei” in Le Grazie (La Spezia), has been held the ceremony for the patenting of new 9 Helmet Divers-G.O.S. (Gruppo Operativo Subacquei). This event is linked also with the 160th Anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Navy’s Helmet Divers School, happened in Genoa in July 1849.

See also the article, with the photos, published in the site of the Italian Navy

At the ceremony were present also, as guests, both Piero Lapiana, for the Club Panerai and both Umberto Panzeri, for delivering the watch “MMT500/O.P.V.” (Officine Panzeri - Viareggio) to the Helmet Diver-G.O.S., first arrived at the training course now over, as O. Panerai did, in the middle of the 90's, with 10 of their Chrono watches mod. -Mare Nostrum-.

The parade ground of the Comando (HQ) -Com.Sub.In.-.

With the friend Carlo Ruggieri, Petty Officer (X Course 1959) of the -Com.Sub.In.-, now discharged.

and the same Carlo Ruggieri in the famous photo of the 1960’s.

The book with the -Com.Sub.In.- Gold Medals with T. Tesei and M. Arillo.

The gym of the -Com.Sub.In.- (for the strong friends Guillermo, Lars and Volker…).

With the friend Mirko Zaia, Lieutenant (Helmet Diver-G.O.S.) of the -Com.Sub.In.-.

The cover of the Calendar 2010 of the -Com.Sub.In.- with, inside, also this photo of the Commandos Unit-G.O.I. of the same -Com.Sub.In.-, made during the Military Parade of the June 2nd, 2009 care of the -Fori Imperiali/Coliseum- in Rome, for the 63th (1946-2009) Anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Republic.

In this photo, the friend Mirko Zaia is, upon, the first on the right.

The desk with the azul berrets and the patents for the 9 new Helmet Divers-G.O.S., with the box of the watch “MMT500/O.P.V.”

The arrival of the Admiral Commander of the -Com.Sub.In.-, Rear Admiral G. Cavo Dragone, with the various units drawn up (with Mirko Zaia) and the 9 new Helmet Divers-G.O.S.



Umberto Panzeri gives the ” MMT500/O.P.V.” to the Helmet Diver-G.O.S., first arrived at the training course now over.

The watch, in these following photos, is the Special Edition 2009 named -Palombari-, issued in 160 units for the 160th Anniversary of the foundation of the Italian Navy’s Helmet Divers School, happened in Genoa in 1849, initially is reserved only to the owners of the patent of Helmet Diver, issued by the Italian Navy, both in service and both discharged.

For more info about the watch, write to:


The Admiral Commander with -his- personnel.

Some of the instruments exhibited.

The drill with the explosion of a mine, by two Helmet Divers-G.O.S., arrived in the place with an helicopter “AB 212” of the Italian Navy. After the explosion of the mine (showned with the italian three-colours flame), the same two Operators are taken again by the helicopter.

At the end, the big buffet (and the cake with the written -Brevettamento Palombari Anno 2009-).

The tie, weared by Piero Lapiana, is made for the Italian Navy by the Seterie -Mosconi- in Grandate (Como)

and the invitation card of the -Com.Sub.In.- at this cerimony!

Click here (in .pdf)


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